Face surveillance

    Hello, everyone! Today, I'll talk about 'Face surveillance,' which is technology to monitor our life by recognizing our face. I learned about this technology in TED talks 'What you need to know about face surveillance.' The speaker was Kade Crockford.

    In this podcast, she talked about what privacy is and why she thinks that face surveillance is dangerous for our privacy. She explained that privacy is not opposed to safety, but it is guarantor of safety: thus, what privacy it is is not dangerous, but it is dangerous for us to be known our privacy by someone. 

    In terms of this idea, Ms. Crockford dislike the idea that governments should monitor every one, every day by face surveillance. Encryption (to protect your smart phone or computer by some software or your own means) protect our safety because privacy also will be protected, but the new technology does not. It can be used to arrest criminals because of its massive information, but also it can violate our privacy easily. 

    I think that privacy is very important for ordinal people because it is not good to live knowing that someone always know our public movement. But, on the other hand, it is the fact that to monitor everyone can be used to prevent some kinds of crime and outbreaks of viruses  ...What do you think about this problem? If you have any idea, please tell me on comment. 

    Thank you for reading.


  1. Hello.
    Face surveillance is really useful, but sometimes it can be dangerous...
    I think it is important for us to use it safely.





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