
    Hello, everyone! This time, I'll talk about what tiredness is and how to recover from it. These days, some of you may be very busy to do homework or study for tests.... but can you take a rest? When you don't have a fever, but feel listless, you are tired. 

    In the first place, the definition of tiredness is that 'a physical decline with annoyance which come from excessive physical or mental activity, or diseases' (I cite this definition from following HP.). In the other words, to become not to use your muscle well because of using it too much and that your brain cannot work well by stress. Also, they are physical signs which tell you that "Take a rest as soon as possible!" These signs tell you your emergency related to maintaining your life, so you have to be relax and recover from such a situation when you feel tired. 

    Then, what can we do to get rid of tiredness efficiently? The answer to this question is very simple:

    1: To take a good sleep

    2: To intake well-balanced diet

    3: To rearrange your life style

    To say about point 1 and 2, I mentioned them in my previous blogs, so please check them. Speaking about point 3, it is good for our health to make active time and non-active time clearly.

    By considering these points, let's endure a lot of homework and tests! Thank you for reading!




  1. Hello.
    This blog is really useful!
    Thank you for sharing your information with us.

  2. Thank you for sharing the information.
    I'll try to do these points!





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