Time bender

 Hello, everyone! Today, I will talk about "Time bender." This is a new term which was made by Grace Pacie, an author of 'Late! A Timebender's Guide to Why We Are Late and How We Can Change.

    "Time bender" does not stand for a person who can bend time but describes a person who are always late. I think that you may have met such person at least once. If you are punctual, sometimes you may be irritate at such attitude. However, Pacie insists that time benders actually does not want to be late, but they cannot estimate exactly how many times something to do takes. It is said that they always estimate it approximately four fifth times as long as it really requires.

    Also,  some time benders always late because they try to do a lot of things before meeting time. They think that to arrive at meeting place early and wait for a few minuets are waste of time.  Because of this feature, time benders can be more productive than ordinal people on business. 

    In addition, some time benders have mental reason. They do not like to feel awkward when they wait for someone alone in crowded place.

    It is said that time bender's feature is innate things, so it is difficult to quit being late for them. I had thought that to be late is not good, but after reading the Pacie's insistent, I feel sympathy a little. I also think that her idea is interesting, so if you want to know about time bender more, please check the cites below! 

    Thank you for reading.


なぜかいつも遅刻してしまう。それ、「タイムベンダー」の性質かも - コラム - 緑のgoo  

BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Is punctuality important?


  1. Hello.
    I didn't know about "time bender" and I learned a lot from your blog!
    I'm not a time bender, but I want to be more tolerant to such people.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.





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