Most expensive cities to live in

 Hello, everyone! 

    Today, I'll talk about 2020's most expensive cities to live in. Most expensive cities means the city which prices are high. Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) compiled a list of such cities by researching the cost of 138 items in 130 cities. 

     Can you expect what cities are in the top of the list? This year, because of COVID-19 virus, there are a lot of change in the ranking. Hongkong, Paris, and  Zurich are occupied top three, on the other hand, Singapore slipped 4th position. Also, Osaka and Tel aviv share 5th position. I think that the fact that Tokyo is less expensive to live in than Osaka is very surprising because Tokyo seems more developed than Osaka in my image. 

    However, to be contained in this list means not only the city is developed but also there are some problems in suppling product and currency exchange.  For example, Teheran's prices are increasing because of USA's economic sanction. The sanction prevent Teheran from getting enough products. 

    Today, that's it. Do or Don't you want to live in these cities in the future? If so, please teach me city name and why you want or do not want to live there on comments! Thank you for reading!


  1. This is interesting! I also thought the prices of Tokyo is higher than the ones of Osaka! Apart from that, Osaka has many unique cultures, especially the food and their accent! I want to live there at least once in my life!





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