Merits of eating meats

     Hello, everyone! Today, I'll talk about 'meats.' In previous blog, I said that vegetarian foods in Buddhism may do good your health. However, to eat a lot of vegetables is not enough, and it is also important to eat meats. Thus, I'll explain what merits eating meats is in following paragraphs.

    First, animal protein make muscle and born in our body. You may have learned it in home economics class; what is called 'Yellow food.' If you want to get great muscle and healthy body, you have to eat meats to get protein. Muscle also help you to burn fat.

    Second, meats help us to live longer. Do you know the average of life expectancy in Edo period? It is said that it was about 45~50 years old. It is from 1960s that Japan became to such a longevity. During 1960s, we Japanese got to eat many kinds of food from Europe and North America because limitation of import was abolished. The food included meats and eggs, and they help us to live healthier than ever. 

    To be more specific, we can increase immunity to infectious diseases because Zinc (亜鉛 in Japanese) which are contained in meats activate our immune cells. Also, Vitamin B1 help us to recover from tiredness. 

    Have you ever experienced that you feel happy after you eat meats? This is not just our imagination, but one effect of eating meats!  By eating meats, Anandamid is created in our body, and it brings us a sense of well-being. Thanks to this effect, we can prevent us from becoming depression.

    It is often said that to eat too much meats do harm our health, but not to eat meats at all also do harm! When you feel tired, let's eat meats and get well! Thank you for reading. 






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