How to talk about conspiracy theories?

     Hello, everyone! Today, I will talk about conspiracy theories. Do you know the term? Conspiracy theory claims that a incident seems like accident or very easy to solve it at first look but actually, there is a leader like government, other famous organization or celebrities who conducted criminals. For example, the idea that Bill Gates wants to control people by microchips, so he made vaccines for COVID-19 virus is conspiracy theory. The theories aren't based on any evidence, so you should not believe it. 

    In the podcast which I listened to, how to talk with a person who believes such theories is mentioned. First of all, you should not deny his/her ideas. They believe it truly, so if they are said 'you are wrong!' by someone, they cannot accept and maybe think that someone is also trying to hide the truth. It is very dangerous to stimulate their mind. 

    Thus, when you start to persuade them to think rationally, it is better to try to get to the bottom of something together. Also, please show facts and researches. It is difficult to change other people's mind, but it's more easy to tell them that they have wrong information. 

    These days, I see a lot of information about economics, politics and science. I think that I should be careful not to believe it without any evidence, but for me, it is difficult to tell truth from lies.... If you have any idea to avoid fake information, please teach me on comments! Thank you for reading!


  1. Hello!
    I think it is difficult to tell truth from lies, too, and we should find some good ways to avoid fake information. But it seems to be difficult to avoid all of the fake information...
    I learned a lot of things from this blog! Thank you for sharing your knowledge for us.





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