The Today's Podcast, "The Things a Guy Will Do for a Girl"

    Today, I listened to a podcast called "The Things a Guy Will Do for a girl." It has two parts; Conversation by Mr. Lauer and a woman section and Dialog section. They talked about what differences between Japanese and American dating at the conversation part, and two people talk about what Suzuki-san is going to do Golden week at the Dialog part. 

    It is interesting that American people do not love confessions, so in terms of how to start lover's relationship, Japanese are more direct than American. It is often said that Japan has indirect culture compare to America in a lot of situations. I'm interested in why there is such a difference. 

    In Dialog part, I learned ten new words; ridiculous, a chain smoker, to get winded, a fitness freak, to act like a desperate loser, to scale, a tricycle, to be madly in love with, that would be the one!, and what's THAT supposed to mean? I will check these meanings in following passages.

    ridiculous: It was used when something/someone sounds stupid. (example: Are you going to walk the way from Okinawa to Hokkaido? It is ridiculous!)

    a chain smoker: a person who smoke a lot. (example: He is a chain smoker, so when I go to restaurants with him, we always use smoking seat.)

    to get winded: it means that someone's breath become shorter and more frequent than usual. (example: After the long run, almost all people got winded.)

    a fitness freak: a person who like going out to keep his/her health good. (example: She is a fitness freak! She walks ten kilometers every day!)

    to act like a desperate loser: It is difficult for me to explain this words in English, but please imagine someone who behave like loser without pride. 

    to scale: It means to climb (mountains). (example: I scaled Mt. Fuji last week)

    a tricycle: this is a bicycle with three wheels. (example: My young sister practice riding a tricycle these days.)

    to be madly in love with (someone/something): It means that to love something/someone enthusiastically. (example: My mother was madly in love with her husband during her high school days.)

    That would be the one!: it is used when a person recognize and explain someone who are focused on at conversation. (example: A-san; Suzuki-san... Is he the Suzuki-san who is the best soccer player in our school? B-san; That would be the one!)

    What's THAT supposed to mean?: It is used when someone want to ask critically meanings of a person's words. (example: A-san; You cannot understand what I want to say! B-san; What's THAT supposed to mean? Why I cannot?)

    That's it! I think that some representations are not used in usual documents like research paper and textbooks, but these are very useful in daily conversation. Thus, I want to practice using these words actively. 

    Thank you for reading. 





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