My impression to Haruki Murakami

 Hello, everyone. Today, I'll introduce a famous writer in Japan. 

    His name is Haruki Murakami. Have you ever heard his name? He is one of the top writers in Japan and won a lot of prizes in novel's field both in Japan and other countries, so I think that some of you have known him. I am going to write my impression to his novels in following passages.

    First of all, the most unnormal thing in his novels is that characters have some problems of his/her humanity or how to live. They have some secret, painful past, or current problems which is difficult to solve. For example, a woman was regarded as an ordinal parson, but she finally committed suicide because she became depression. Also, one heroin is a killer, and a hero is a ghostwriter in his novel. I was surprised at his representation when he wrote inside of such people. He does not experience murder, but he can write criminal's mind. 

    Second, I think that there are a lot of physical relationship between men and women in his novels. I don't know why Haruki Murakami wants to write it... Anyway, for this characteristic, I sometimes hesitate to read Murakami's novel in public space. If someone look me reading such part of his book, he/she will maybe misunderstand me: He might think that I read a sensual novel. It's horrible!

    Also, unrealistic representations in his novels which tell some messages to us(readers) are very interesting. It is difficult to understand completely what's meaning of the expressions, but it makes differences between an interpretation and other ones. People can enjoy Murakami's novels by their own way. However, when I imagine one scene in novels, I can clearly image what Murakami writes, so I think that his writing skill is very very good.  

    If you have read his novel already, please tell me your impression about Murakami's novel! Thank you for reading.


  1. Wow, excellent paragraphs. I can see that you are smart!

  2. Hello. I have read Murakami's novel (Losing Blue) in the Japanese literature class when I was a high school student. It was really difficult to understand the meaning of his expressions clearly, but I thought that he had a unique view.

  3. Hello, I'm Naoko.
    I haven't read his novels, but I understood what his novels are about by reading your blog!





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